Client Portal

Check in on your order's arrival or set up a service claim here! Our client portal is here to help you take the first steps you need!


Thinking About Financing?

We are excited for your next step and are committed to helping you get there with less stress! That’s why we’ve teamed up with Wells Fargo so you can have some of the best options available when it comes to designing your home!

Learn more today and start your process here!



Did you order furniture recently and are curious about when it will arrive? Check in here and we will let you know!

We are just as excited as you are!

Start your request below and our purchasing gurus will get back to you in about 1-3 business days.


Do you have a piece of furniture that may need servicing or is already in the system? Check in here!

Thank you so much for your patience.

Start your inquiry below and our service gurus will get back to you in about 1-3 business days.


Not seeing what you need? Reach out to us at [email protected] and we will be happy to help you!
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